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Training Programs for Professionals on Artificial Intelligence

Why Artificial Intelligence now?

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, mastering Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a choice but a necessity. Our unique training programs are designed to equip individuals and businesses with the power of AI, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. 100% Swiss.

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping industries, enhancing efficiency, and enabling smarter decision-making. Whether you’re aiming to revolutionize your business processes or empower your personal career, our AI training programs offer the tools and knowledge needed to excel in this cutting-edge field.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended beyond the realms of research and development to become an integral part of our daily lives. Its applications, ranging from video and text generation to empowering individuals in various aspects of life, illustrate the versatility and transformative potential of AI. 

20 million jobs at risk. Around 20 million workers in the European Union would lose their jobs in the short term if precautions are not taken quickly, given the speed of development of artificial intelligence. This is what emerges from a study by the Centers for European Policy Network, which underlines how the most qualified workers are truly exposed to the impact of new technology. While technological advances have previously increased the skills of employees, and therefore their productivity, so-called generative AI will irreversibly destroy entire professional profiles, the researchers note, around one in ten jobs in the European Union will be directly affected by end of this decade. The spectrum ranges from managers to consultants up to lawyers and marketing specialists.


Here’s a deeper look into how AI is making a practical impact:

Our Offering

Benefits of Enrolling

Enroll Now to Transform People and Companies

Empowering Companies to Innovate and Enhance Functions through AI

Our AI training programs are designed to serve as a strategic asset for companies aiming to leverage AI technology to enhance their operational efficiency, innovate product offerings, and redefine industry standards. By integrating AI into their core functions, businesses can achieve unparalleled outcomes:

AI’s impact extends beyond content creation to empowering individuals in their daily lives. Smart assistants, personalized recommendations, and predictive analytics are just a few examples of how AI simplifies decision-making, enhances productivity, and personalizes experiences. In healthcare, AI algorithms assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting patient outcomes, and personalizing treatment plans. In finance, AI helps individuals manage their expenses, investments, and savings more effectively. In education, AI-powered tools provide personalized learning experiences, adapting to each student’s pace and style of learning, making education more accessible and effective.

AI is also instrumental in making homes smarter and cities more efficient through the Internet of Things (IoT). From optimizing energy use in homes to improving traffic flow in cities, AI is at the forefront of creating more sustainable and liveable environments.

    • – Operational Efficiency: AI can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and optimize supply chains, enabling companies to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation.
    • – Customer Experience: Through AI-driven analytics and personalization, businesses can understand customer preferences in real-time, tailoring services and products to meet the ever-evolving market demands.
    • – Innovative Solutions: AI opens the door to new product development and service enhancements, from AI-driven diagnostics in healthcare to predictive maintenance in manufacturing, setting companies apart from their competition.
    • – Data-Driven Decision Making: With AI’s ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data, companies can make more informed decisions, predicting market trends and responding proactively to industry shifts.
    • – Workforce Empowerment: By upskilling employees with AI competencies, companies not only enhance their talent pool but also foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Empowering Workers and Citizens to Excel and Enhance Daily Life

AI transcends professional boundaries, enhancing daily life and personal growth through:

– Lifelong Learning
: Tailored educational experiences with AI tools cater to all learning styles, boosting engagement and effectiveness.

  • – Financial Management: AI-driven personal finance tools enable smarter budgeting and investment decisions.

  • – Healthcare Accessibility
    : Personalized health insights from AI facilitate easier access to healthcare services.

  • – Enhanced Accessibility
    : AI aids inclusivity, offering voice-to-text and real-time translation for those with disabilities.

  • – Smart Living
    : AI in smart homes and apps streamlines tasks and optimizes energy use, elevating living standards.

  • – Community Engagement
    : AI analyzes data to highlight community needs, promoting initiatives for better infrastructure and safety.

Explore Generative AI ChatGPT Content generation Video Generation Natural Language Processing (NLP) Computer Vision and Image Recognition Robotics in AI AI in Healthcare AI in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 AI for Environmental Sustainability Ethical Considerations in AI Bias and Fairness in AI Systems Data Privacy and Security in AI Reinforcement Learning Predictive Analytics AI in Retail and E-commerce AI in Entertainment and Media Conversational AI and Chatbots AI in Autonomous Vehicles AI and the Internet of Things (IoT)

With our proven approach, participants will not only master AI but also gain access to an array of opportunities post-graduation. Dive into the world of AI with confidence, backed by the expertise and support of industry leaders.

Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming an AI pioneer, ready to make a significant impact in your field.

If you’re eager to learn about LLMs but don’t know where to start, check out this free 10-week Applied LLMs Mastery course:

Professional Training Course on Large Language Models (LLMs)

🗓️ Week 1: Introduction to LLMs – Principles and Applications


Applied LLM Foundations: Understand the theoretical underpinnings and basic concepts of Large Language Models.
Participants will be able to explain the core mechanisms and functionalities of LLMs.


Real World LLM Use Cases: Explore how LLMs are applied across different industries and problem domains.
Participants will identify potential use cases relevant to their fields of interest or work.


Domain and Task Adaptation Methods: Learn the techniques to adapt LLMs to specific domains and tasks.
Participants will be equipped to customize models to enhance relevance and performance in targeted applications.

🗓️ Week 2: Mastering Prompting and Prompt Engineering


Basic Prompting Principles: Grasp the fundamentals of how prompts are used to guide LLM outputs.
Participants will craft effective prompts that align with desired model responses.


Types of Prompting: Distinguish between different prompting methods and their use cases.
Participants will select and apply appropriate prompting techniques based on specific requirements.


Applications, Risks, and Advanced Prompting: Evaluate the implications of prompting methods and learn advanced strategies for complex interactions.
Participants will implement advanced prompts and mitigate associated risks in LLM applications.

🗓️ Week 3: Techniques for LLM Fine-Tuning


Basics of Fine-Tuning: Introduction to the methods for customizing pre-trained LLMs.
Participants will understand the foundational approaches to model fine-tuning.


Types of Fine-Tuning: Examine various fine-tuning techniques and their applications.
Participants will apply different fine-tuning strategies to optimize LLM performance.


Fine-Tuning Challenges: Address common challenges in fine-tuning and strategies to overcome them.
Participants will troubleshoot and solve typical fine-tuning issues.

🗓️ Week 4: Implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation


Understanding the Concept of RAG in LLMs: Comprehend how retrieval-augmented generation enhances LLM capabilities.
Participants will explain the integration of retrieval mechanisms in LLM workflows.


Key Components of RAG: Identify the essential elements that constitute a RAG system.
Participants will design and evaluate RAG components.


Advanced RAG Methods: Explore sophisticated techniques for improving and scaling RAG systems.
Participants will implement advanced RAG solutions in LLM projects.

🗓️ Week 5: Tools for Building LLM Applications


Introduction to Fine-Tuning Tools: Discover tools and platforms for effective model fine-tuning.
Participants will utilize specific tools to fine-tune LLMs for tailored applications.


Exploring RAG Tools: Gain proficiency in tools designed for implementing RAG.
Participants will integrate RAG tools into their development workflow.


Comprehensive Overview of LLM Tools: Explore a broad array of tools for observability, prompting, serving, and vector search in LLM applications.
Participants will apply these tools in real-world scenarios to enhance model performance and reliability.

🗓️ Week 6: Evaluation Techniques for LLMs


Understanding LLM Evaluation Types: Differentiate between behavioural and performance evaluations for LLMs.
Participants will choose appropriate evaluation strategies for their model assessments.


Common Evaluation Benchmarks: Familiarize with standard benchmarks used in the evaluation of LLMs.
Participants will employ these benchmarks to assess model quality and fitness for purpose.


Utilization of Common Metrics: Master the use of prevalent metrics in LLM evaluation.
Participants will effectively measure and interpret the performance of their LLMs using industry-standard metrics.

🗓️ Week 7: Building Your Own LLM Application


Overview of LLM Application Components: Understand the architectural elements from basic to advanced that comprise an LLM application.
Participants will construct a blueprint for their LLM application.


End-to-End LLM Application Development: Develop a complete LLM application using freely available resources.
Participants will build and deploy a functional LLM application by integrating diverse LLM components and tools.

🗓️ Week 8: Advanced Features and Deployment of LLMs


Lifecycle Management and LLM Operations (LLMOps): Study the lifecycle of an LLM and the operational practices involved in maintaining and scaling these models.
Participants will implement LLMOps practices to ensure model reliability and scalability.


Advanced Deployment Features for LLMs: Delve into advanced deployment strategies that enhance LLM functionality and user experience.
Participants will deploy LLMs with features that support robust, scalable, and secure applications.

🗓️ Week 9: Addressing Challenges with LLMs


Scaling Challenges: Tackle the technical and strategic challenges in scaling LLMs.
Participants will devise solutions to enhance model scalability and manage resource consumption.


Behavioural Challenges: Address specific behavioural issues like hallucinations, alignment discrepancies, and susceptibility to adversarial attacks.
Participants will implement strategies to mitigate these issues and improve model integrity.


Deployment Challenges: Overcome obstacles related to memory demands, scalability, and security in LLM deployment.
Participants will ensure secure, efficient, and scalable deployment of LLM applications.

🗓️ Week 10: Emerging Research Trends in LLMs


Exploring Multimodal and Domain-Specific LLMs: Investigate the integration of multiple data types and domain-specific training in LLMs.
Participants will design models that leverage diverse inputs and are tailored to specific domains.


Open Source Models and New Architectures: Gain insights into the latest open-source models and innovative architectures like Mixture of Experts (MoE) and Mamba.
Participants will evaluate and potentially integrate cutting-edge technologies into their LLM projects.

  • 🗓️ Week 11 Bonus: Reinforcing LLM Foundations

Generative Models Foundations: Solidify understanding of the principles behind generative models.
Participants will distinguish between various types of generative models and their applications.


Neural Networks for Language: Deepen knowledge of neural network architectures used in LLMs, such as RNNs, LSTMs, and Sequence-to-Sequence models.
Participants will apply these architectures in designing effective LLMs.


Self-Attention and Transformers: Explore the mechanism of self-attention and its pivotal role in transformers, the backbone of modern LLMs.

  • Participants will implement transformer-based models to enhance their LLM applications.

Generative AI

Text Generation

Text generation powered by AI has significant implications for communication, content creation, and information dissemination. AI can produce written content that ranges from news articles and reports to creative stories and poetry. This technology is especially beneficial for businesses looking to automate content creation for blogs, social media, or marketing campaigns, ensuring consistent and relevant content delivery. For individuals, AI text generators serve as tools for brainstorming, learning, and even personal expression, breaking down barriers to content creation and enabling a wider audience to share their ideas and stories.

Video Generation

AI in video generation is revolutionizing content creation, advertising, and entertainment. Through advanced algorithms, AI can create realistic and engaging video content at a fraction of the time and cost it would take human creators. This technology enables personalized video content for marketing, automates the production of training materials, and even generates entirely new entertainment formats. For businesses, this means more effective engagement with their audience through customized and compelling visual narratives. For individuals, it means access to a broader range of content and the ability to create professional-level videos without extensive experience or resources.

More than 100 training modules for professionals

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI for Business

From Data-driven to AI-First Companies 

AI in Modern Technology

Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Deep Learning Essentials

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Computer Vision and Image Recognition

Robotics in AI

AI in Healthcare

AI in Finance

AI in Education

AI in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

AI for Environmental Sustainability

Ethical Considerations in AI

Bias and Fairness in AI Systems

Data Privacy and Security in AI

Reinforcement Learning

Generative AI for Business excellence

Generative AI in Business processes

Predictive Analytics

AI in Retail and E-commerce

AI-First Companies: Change Management for Leaders

AI in Entertainment and Media

Conversational AI and Chatbots

AI and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Big Data and AI: data pipelines with Tableau

Cloud Computing in AI: AWS, Azure, Google Colab

AI in Project Management

AI for Business Strategy

Implementing AI Solutions

AI for Personalization and Recommendation Systems

AI in Smart Homes and Cities

AI and Blockchain

AI in Agriculture

AI for Social Media and Content Creation

AI in Gaming: video and image generation

Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

AI for Disaster Response and Management

AI in Legal and Compliance

AI for Human Resources

AI in Supply Chain Management

AI and Virtual Reality (VR)

AI and Augmented Reality (AR)

AI in Cybersecurity

Machine Learning with Python

Neural Network Architectures

AI in Sports Analytics

AI in Tourism and Hospitality

AI for Creative Arts and Design

AI in Telecommunications

AI for Public Health and Epidemiology

AI in Real Estate

AI for Energy Management

AI for Elder Care and Consumer

AI Ethics and Society

AI Patenting and Intellectual Property

AI Startups and Entrepreneurship

AI in Market Research and Consumer Behaviour


Federated Learning

AI for Product Development

AI in Logistics and Transportation

AI and Data Visualization

AI for Language Learning

ChatGPT, GPTs and AI tools for daily life

AI for Voice and Speech Recognition

AI in Wearable Technology

AI in Genomics and Bioinformatics

AI for Non-Profits and Social Good

AI in Construction and Architecture

AI for Water Resource Management

AI in Custom Manufacturing and 3D Printing

AI for Wildlife Conservation

AI in Food Technology

AI for Personal Finance Management

AI in Journalism and Media Production

AI for Child Education and Learning

AI and Music Generation: from lyrics to music composition

AI for Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

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